Kalkulus kali ini

yeah, kalkulus kali ini ada TA (Tugas Akhir) in Outing Class, tugasnya tuh cari koordinat lintang, bujur, dan posisi dpl.
*aku nangkepnya sih gitu, terus jelasin tentang kontur tanahnya kayak apa*
jadi ngerjainnya pake Google Earth, mau pake RMW (Radio Mobile for Windows) ga mudeng makenya gimana, pake matematica kok ribet yak, hahaa dasar

but, overall, I'm still confused what I should do with this data. umm, finally I made this http://tofikaika.blogspot.com/2011/07/tugas-akhir-kalkulus-semt-ii.html, hopefully my lecturer was satisfied and will give me A for my final mark in KHS for this 2nd semester. amiiin :)

I'm so sorry if it's not like you expect me to do, Sir :')
It's the result, outing class with them was so great moment

  ini foto area lahan yand diobservasi

me, tika, n totok, operating GPS
shofi, me, tika, n totok

dian, me, tika, mamant, eva, pingky, n shofi

that's all :)

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